For older versions of Visual Studio, those techniques are still used, so if you’re using VS 2019 or even VS 2005 with Visual Assist 2021.3, you’ll still benefit from the lighter memory impact within the IDE. Now that Visual Studio 2022 is a 64-bit process, that work is not necessary for VS2022.
Both to help them, and because we believe it’s part of being a good member of the Visual Studio ecosystem where our plugin sits alongside others, last November we greatly reduced the in-process memory usage largely through (spoiler: the full blog is worth reading) use of memory-mapped files. Many of our customers strain the Visual Studio IDE, with many plugins and SDKs installed. However, we believe the current build is well worth trying out on Preview 3 as well.

Currently we believe those are because of changed behaviour in a Visual Studio API which we use when verifying in-IDE behaviour (ie not an issue in VAX itself), but it is always possible that once that is resolved further test failures will need to be resolved. Visual Studio 2022 Preview 3 was released two days ago-overlapping timing with our release-and our regression tests are showing some failures.

Those who have upgraded 32-bit code to 64-bit code before know that, even in well-architected code, it takes some work even just to review code to ensure it is correct. Since Visual Assist (VA or VAX) runs as a plugin, in-process, we needed to build a 64-bit version of our plugin DLL. Visual Studio (VS) 2022’s main change-and it’s a significant one-is that it will become a 64-bit process. Visual Assist 2021.3 running inside Visual Studio 2022 Preview 3 Visual Studio Preview